
Whilst we have taken reasonable care in preparing this website it is important to understand that the material presented is of a general nature only. In addition please understand that applicable laws, rules and regulations change over time and this may not be reflected in the contents of this website.

No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned to any party acting upon or refraining from acting upon any information contained in this website.

We believe it is important for each person to seek their own independent specialist advice as required.

We reserve the right to update, change or delete items on this website at any time without prior notice.


Privacy Policy

Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access

You can access our website and browse our site without having to disclose personal information.

Information Collection and Purpose Specification

We do collect some personal information that you may volunteer while using our website and its services. We collect or use personal information for the purpose(s) specified at collection.

If you choose to become our client and on receiving your express authority, your personal information may be stored on behalf of authorised third parties, subject to their information security and privacy requirements. We do not disclose your personal information to other organisations outside these authorised third parties, including to other government institutions and authorities.

Automatic Collection of Information

We do not use cookies to store personal information. You can access and use our website with cookies disabled in your browser settings. Use of our website is monitored using a third party analytics tool that does use cookies.

If you visit this website to read or download information, Vision Accounting Solutions Ltd may collect and store the following data:

            • Your service address (IP address)

            • Your top level domain name

            • The date and time of your visit to the site

            • The pages you accessed and the documents you downloaded

            • The type of browser you used

The data collected is used to create summary statistics which allows Vision Accounting Solutions Ltd to assess the number of visitors to different sections of the website, identify what information is of most and least interest, monitor system performance, and help us make our website more useful to visitors.


We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

            • unauthorised access

            • improper use or disclosure

            • unauthorised modification

            • unlawful destruction or accidental loss

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our online visitors’ personal data.

Access to the personal data we may hold about you

For those who have supplied their personal contact information to order and receive publications or use other online services from within our organisation, you can request our web manager to provide you with the personal data we might hold about you and make any changes you request.

What our clients are saying

Clear advice and instructions

It was great meeting with you this morning! Your clear advice and instructions are very much appreciated and you have demonstrated yet again just why we love to have you as our accountant.

Elmarie Faurie


Excellent advice and service

We have been clients of Virginia and her team since the start of Vision Accounting (and before). They are approachable, friendly and professional and respond promptly to questions. Always excellent advice and service at a very reasonable price. Very highly recommended.

Mike & Pat Kramer

Personal account

How can we help?

Vision Accounting

T: (09) 415 0319

106a Bush Road, Albany, Auckland, 0632